Visitor’s Questions / FAQ
What time is worship?
Regular Sunday Schedule:
Worship – 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Adult Sunday School – 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.
Children’s Sunday School-about 10:15 (Following the time with the young, children are dismissed to Sunday School for the remainder of worship.).
Fellowship -In downstairs Fellowship Hall immediately following worship
What can I expect when I arrive?
When you arrive on for worship, you can be expected to be greeted by members and friends of the church. You may sit wherever you are most comfortable. Don’t worry, we don’t make visitors stand up and introduce themselves. Occasionally worship may include “passing the peace” or taking time to greet each other.
During worship there will singing, praying, scripture, time with the children, a message, and communion. Communion is open to everyone.
Music at Covenant varies from more traditional hymns, to contemporary songs, and music from around the world. The organ, piano, electric piano, and acoustic guitar are used. More recently we occasionally add electric guitar and drums. Members are encouraged to share their talents.
Is there a nursery for my children?
Yes. We have a beautiful nursery staffed by screened volunteers.
The nursery is for ages 6 and under, and other children are encouraged to worship with their families until dismissed for Sunday School.
Are there other activities for children?
Yes! Children are a central focus in the ministry of Covenant. Sunday worship always includes a time with young. Following this time with the young (about 10:15), children go downstairs for Sunday School.
In addition to Sunday School, we offer special gatherings and activities for kids, often in partnership with neighboring churches. These are opportunities for learning, fellowship and outreach so that our children are on the journey up, the journey in and the journey out!
How do I find the church?
Covenant is located at 2700 72nd St, in Urbandale, IA between Hickman and Douglas Avenues. We are just up the hill from the Des Moines Ice Area. For a map click on Location in the upper left hand of this page or see the Google link on the homepage.
Where do I park my car?
Our parking lot is on the west side of the building off 72nd St.
What door do I go in?
Upstairs either door on the north side of the building may be used. The door closest to 72nd St. has a ramp for wheelchair access. Downstairs the west door on the south side of the building may be used. Go to the end of the hall, turn right and then left and look for stairs to first floor.
Is there a dress code?
Please come as you are. We care more about you than what you wear. Wear what makes you comfortable. Jeans are fine, you may see a tie or two, but not many.
Is your church accessible?
You can access the first floor using a ramp at the main entrance to the church. There is also a handicap accessible unisex restroom on the first floor. There is no access by elevator to the lower level, at this time, but the downstairs can be reached by a sloping sidewalk outside.
What if I need transportation to worship or other church events?
If you need transportation call the church office at (515) 276-3781 and a volunteer will pick you up and get you home.
How’s the coffee?
We serve Fair Trade Coffee (Equal Exchange). It’s not just a cup of coffee, it’s a just cup of coffee. Coffee fellowship is held downstairs immediately following Worship.
Can I have my wedding at the church?
As a general rule, Covenant’s building is not available for non-member weddings. Please contact the office for more information and discussion. Seating capacity is about 125.
Is Covenant Christian part of a denomination?
Covenant Christian is a congregation within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. For more information about Disciples go the
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada .
Can I participate in communion?
We celebrate communion each Sunday. All are welcome at Christ’s table where the walls of human hostility are broken down in God’s uniting love.
When is the church office open?
Generally the church office is open 8:30 a.m. to noon, Tuesday through Friday. From time to time there are exceptions, so you may want to call ahead to (515)-276-3781. The offices are located on the right as you come in the upstairs door closet to the parking lot.
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